Finally Pidgin 2.5.0 is released. Offline message with MSN is supported as well as Ability to create custom smileys :)
Now I don’t have to log into MSN with other messenger to check if I have any offline messages.

I have not seen it updated on Hardy repo so I decided to build from source

Firstly get all the required headers.

sudo apt-get install build-essential network-manager-dev
sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin

And then extract the file.

tar jxvf pidgin-2.5.0.tar.bz2

Finally compile it

cd pidgin-2.5.0
./configure --enable-gnutls=yes
make && sudo make install

During the upgrade from WPMU 1.51 to 2.6. I have noticed that during the blog sign up, after the user enters domain name and clicks “Signup” button, wordpress will redirect to the very first step of sign up and makes the user unable to register for a new blog.

After digging through the code and I have found out that in WordPress MU 2.6, the domain name input has changed from blog_id to blogname
Which makes the plugin goes to check if the recaptcha is empty. You can change line 201 to

if (isset($_POST['blog_id']) || isset($_POST['blogname']) ) {
return $result;

I have also modified the code in the verification area since there is no table in WordPress MU 2.6 registration form.

You can download from here

I am getting fed up with the slow internet at home. 20 gb / month for 6 people to share is really nothing. Especially if you want to keep your Linux up to date. :)

I have been playing with QEmu today and realised the image that are downloaded with is the Qtopia image. Which does not really offer much.

I have downloaded the one from scaredycat today and working great in QEmu.

I have set up the internet connection too accroding to this tutorial

The image file I used does not comes with python, so I used the following command

opkg update
opkg install python-core python-pygtk

I have not really tried done Python programming but it doesn’t see to be complicated to use. I will have a look what can be doen with pyGtk tomorrow. :)

I have been busy lately and didn’t really do much. Since the Openmoko Freerunner was out earlier July. I really want to get a hold of freerunner to play with. Maybe will wait when I get back to Taiwan. Anyway.

I have tried to update my development environment for Openmoko and found out there are actually lots of changes. There are so many stacks to choose from?  I have got clear information from here and I decided to buld the Qtopia image since I am more familiar with it compare to Gnome.

And it does take a lot of time to build the image from Mokomakefile over 12 hours..

Here are some new Screenshots from Qemu.

I have managed to build qemu successfully today. And have Openmoko running in my on laptop ;)
Its much smoother compare to how I felt on Motorola A780

This is the main screen I have installed a test gtk application Hello Moko
Which just a Gtk button on top of Gtk window. I think I prefer QT :)

Hello Moko?


Recently I have started to have a deeper look about Openmoko, and I have tried to build the toolchain.
I was using Opensuse 10.3 and followed the instruction from the wiki, also built libmoko2ui-dev from the openmoko trunk and everything went okay until make. I got the libtool error message of

/space/fic/openmoko-daily/neo1973 ….. /libpango/ not found

I couldn’t find the solution to it and tried asking for help on irc, unfortunately, nobody replies to me :(

However, with the same instruction, it works nicely in Ubuntu 8.04.. Not too sure what’s going on ><

I wish I can get myself a hold of Neo1973 … unfortunately its sold out :( Guess I will have to wait for Neo Runner

I was cleaning up and tidying my harddrive today and it seems I have lost all my source codes I did for EZX last year, I must have forgotten to backup while I was reformatting my harddrive last year :(

Recently (actually a while ago) , one of my friend passed a broken A780 to have a look, It only has the basic function of receiving the phone call, partial sms function ( only number keypad) . The scary part is every one is turned into exclamation mark and the memory is full error.

I have dug through Google but it seems lots of people having the same problem but the only solution is to bring the phone back to the service station.
Since the EZX phone is NOT market in New Zealand and the phone itself has no warranty. I had a quick look of the file structure with df

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                   54468     54468         0 100% /
/dev/root                54468     54468         0 100% /
/dev/roflash2              348       348         0 100% /usr/setup
/dev/mtdblock2            5312      1564      3748  30% /ezxlocal
/dev/mmca1              991488    535728    455760  55% /mmc/mmca1

What happened to /diska and /usr/language?  DiskOnChip is damaged?

Here is solution.

1. The phone has to be modified first to be able to run startup script.
2. Mount diska and usr/language from memory card.

However, the memory card is not mounted at the booting time. Hence we have to manually mount the memory card before mounting.

So here is the script. You will need to extract cg33 into the language directory first.

insmod /lib/modules/mmc_base.o
insmod /lib/modules/ezx_mmc.o
mount -t vfat /dev/mmca1 /mmc/mmca1 -o uid=2000 -o gid=233 -o iocharset=utf8 -o shortname=mixed -o umask=002 -o noatimemount –bind /mmc/mmca1/.system/diska /diska
mount –bind /mmc/mmca1/.system/language /usr/language

Now the A780  is working again ;)

After a long time of inactive,
Here is something I have started working on few days ago,
Due to the Phone has no keypad, so i have wrote something.
Unfortunately, the destination number cannot be read from the database.
Hence for now need to input manually :(

Here is a screenshot.

here are two interesting program/game  which ported from Sharp Zaurus.
didn’t change much of their original code, apart from removing / modifed
the qpe-related stuff to ezx :)

Fish (

QFish (モバイルきんぎょすくい2 /